Guy Munday

Make+Mend Workshops

Over the last 10 years, there has been a 50% decline in GCSE students taking Design and Technology.

Make+Mend workshops aim to tackle this decline by providing high school students with a one-hour course in mending a basic household item. With this basic skill the students are encouraged to apply it to making a usable product. The workshops would fit around the curriculum in Foundation Studies/PSHE lessons, which are already set aside to learn valuable life skills.

The identity was inspired by isometric projection with the blue colour being a hint towards cyanotypes. The logo was created out of a custom display font.

Isometric projection makes it easy for our eyes to understand the depth of physical objects and imagine them in three-dimensional space. This makes them perfect for providing clear instructions to students.

Lesson plans, ideas and support can be found on a free, open-to-all website that is contributor ran in a wiki/forum style. It provides a platform to help develop the student's skill set as well as immersing them in the maker scene with open dialogue between students and established makers.